ruralgurl music and arts



You can take the girl out of the country, but you cannot take the country out of the girl.

I used to think that was a bad thing.  It took a great long while to realize that being a country girl was not synonymous with being a rube.  In time, my definition of “country” evolved as well.  Having a rural state of mind is more about a deep connection with the rhythms of the earth, sea and sky than about living sixteen miles from the nearest stop-light.

The beauty in of all nature inspires my daily life as well as my music and art.  So when it came time to name my publishing company, “ruralgurl music and arts” began.  Music, photography, art, design, poetry, prose, recipes… it’s a liberal arts melting pot.  Stir it up.




  1. Preserved about 300 thousand.

  2. monuments related to deep

  3. The most common form

  4. manuscripts significantly

  5. secular brotherhoods of scribes.

  6. among them acquired “Moral

  7. … As a rule, the manuscript is called

  8. Century to a kind of destruction:

  9. One of the most skilled calligraphers

  10. among them acquired “Moral

  11. from lat. manus – “hand” and scribo – “I write”) ]

  12. Western Europe also formed

  13. from lat. manus – “hand” and scribo – “I write”) ]

  14. handwritten books were made,

  15. Century to a kind of destruction:

  16. Europe, and in Ancient Russia

  17. new texts were rewritten

  18. Marjorie McMillian


    Could I write a guide for your website on preparing your new house or apartment to be move-in ready? The tips in the guide would cover essentials such as removing obvious pollutants or mold, and tackling the necessary cleaning and organizational tasks.

    Please respond to let me know if you’re interested, and thank you for your consideration!

    Marjorie McMillian /

    P.S. It’s okay if you’d like to suggest a different topic than the one that has been offered. I’ll be glad to oblige. Or do you prefer not to receive emails from me in the future? Let me know, please.

  19. Marjorie McMillian

    Hello again,
    I’m circling back on the content pitch I recently shared with you. Specifically, I’m interested in exploring the opportunity to contribute a guest blog post on preparing your new house or apartment to be move-in ready.
    Considering your audience’s preferences, I believe this topic holds potential. Would you be open to posting my article if I send it over?

    All the best,
    Marjorie McMillian /

    P.S. It’s okay if you’d like to suggest a different topic than the one that has been offered. I’ll be glad to oblige. Or do you prefer not to receive emails from me in the future? Let me know, please.

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